MISSION statement

At visits with amy, our mission is to provide a safe, supportive, and neutral environment for families in Sonoma County, allowing them to strengthen and rebuild relationships through supervised visitation. We are deeply committed to fostering positive, child-centered experiences that prioritize the emotional well-being, safety, and security of all individuals involved. ensuring that each visit is conducted with the highest standards of integrity, respect, and confidentiality. By offering compassionate and reliable services, we aim to support families in navigating challenging situations, promote healthy family dynamics, and help facilitate meaningful connections that contribute to the long-term success, stability, and healing of every family we serve.


what is supervised visitation?

A service where a neutral third party monitors interactions between a child and a non-custodial parent or family member to ensure the safety and well-being of the child. The goal is to provide a safe environment for the child to maintain or build relationships, especially in situations where there may be concerns about safety, substance abuse, or conflict. The supervisor ensures that the visit follows any court-ordered guidelines and offers a structured setting for positive, child-centered interactions.

Does the custodial parent have the right to decide where the visitation will take place?

No, the location of the visitation is determined by the professional provider overseeing the visit, who makes the final decision on the venue.

There’s a restraining order in place, and I don’t want to see the other parent. How is this managed?

To ensure safety, arrival and departure times for each parent are staggered to prevent any chance of encountering the other parent.

What if my child is reluctant or doesn’t want to go to the visit?

The custodial parent is required by court order to bring the child to visitations, regardless of the child’s reluctance or refusal. Compliance with the court order is essential.

Am I allowed to bring other people to the visits, such as my parent, spouse, or my child’s sibling?

Only individuals specifically listed in the court order are permitted to attend the visitation.

Can I make phone calls to the grandparents or siblings during visitation?

No, making phone calls to third parties during the visit is not allowed, as it introduces individuals who are not named in the court order.

If the court order specifies certain dates and times, can we change them if both parents agree?

No, the specified dates and times in the court order must be followed. To change them, a stipulation must be filed and approved by the court.